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dancers in red jackets
  • Do I have to register my child before they commence any class?
    No. All pupils may attend and try classes first before registering with AAD.
  • Do I have to purchase the uniform for my child before or straight after their first class?
    No. All pupils are allowed to attend for up to 4 weeks before needing to purchase any uniform. All items of dancewear and uniforms can be purchased from AAD. Second-hand dancewear is available for children and students to borrow until their own purchases are made.
  • Are fees paid in advanced?
    Fees can be paid either by termly invoice or on a weekly basis. Fees are invoiced at the start of each term and are due for payment by the half-term holiday of any current term. Weekly fees are paid per class as children attend. It is recommended for all new pupils pay the weekly fee per class when commencing. Termly invoices can be issued at any time during the session once a pupil has settled into their class. Fees & class prices are listed on all school noticeboards.
  • What notice do I have to give if my child wishes to stop any class?
    It is asked that parents give one-half term’s notice for any class cancellation. This must be given in writing only, emails & text messages will not be accepted. The notification date is that of the first Saturday at the start of any half-term holiday & is clearly stated on all newsletters and on the AAD calendar page. If the notification is not received by the date required, all fees for the following full term will be invoiced & become applicable. This applies to all termly and weekly payments.
  • Are dance examinations compulsory?
    No. Examinations are taken at the discretion of Miss Moseley & Miss Burn and with consent from parents. Details regarding candidate examination entry & all requirements relating to the exam day are seen on the school noticeboards.
  • Do all pupils have to participate in school shows and activities?
    No. All shows / performances / choreographic competitions are at the choice of pupils and parents. Pupils may choose if they wish to participate in any dance / school activity.
  • Do you close during the school holidays?
    Yes. Classes coincide with school terms and holidays. Classes are not held during Christmas, Easter & Summer holidays. Summer schools are held at the start of the summer holiday for pupils aged 4 – 6 & 7 – 12. Coaching classes for examinations are held on Sundays and during half-term holidays. AAD school trips/excursions are arranged during the summer term or school holiday. This can include pupils performing on cruise ships in the Mediterranean Sea or participating in the school exchange programme with Escola de Danca Ana Mangericao in Lisbon.
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